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Simple Strawberry Jam

Simple Strawberry Jam

When I think of homemade strawberry jam I get transported back to memories of a young child, where I use to watch grandma picking fresh strawberries from the garden and bringing them in to make jam. These days, strawberry jam has become one of my 

Gingerbread Tree

Gingerbread Tree

Gingerbread is always a Christmas favorite. With this gingerbread tree, layers of star shaped gingerbread are stacked together to make a Christmas tree that’s guaranteed to be a show stopping piece at your next Christmas celebration. Preparing the Dough Preheat the oven to 180 °C 

Savory Mince and Potato Wedges

Savory Mince and Potato Wedges

We all have different meals we love cooking at different times of the year. Come summer I’m all about the barbecue and then when winter hits I look for the comfort foods. Often, it’s something to warm you after a cold day outside. Savory mince 

Homemade Taco Seasoning

Homemade Taco Seasoning

Why should you make your own taco seasoning? I will give you 2 reasons: its cheap and easy to make, and it’s far more superior in flavor to any packet seasoning you can buy at the store. I have used this recipe so much now 

Honey Glazed Carrots

Honey Glazed Carrots

Honey glazed carrots are a great way to transform your vegetables into something delicious, because no one should ever have to live life eating boring vegetables. These carrots get a lovely flavor through caramelization when they are roasted. Combine this with the hints of flavoring 

Jalapeno Poppers

Jalapeno Poppers

The first time I ever tried a jalapeno popper was down at my local hardware store. At the time they were sampling them as part of a demonstration for the latest smokers they were trying to sell. All I can say from the experience is