About Scissors, Paper, Bacon

Hi, I’m Scott. I’m a recipe blogger from Perth and the creator of Scissors, Paper, Bacon. I have a passion for cooking and sharing food with friends and family. Whether I am at home in the kitchen or out at a nice restaurant, you can almost always guarantee I’m not too far away from food.

From a young age I have always enjoyed being in the kitchen cooking; it started with simple cakes and biscuits. I have fond memories of many visits to my grandparents as a kid where I would bake biscuits and bring them home to share with the rest of my family.

As time progressed and I got a bit older, my passion grew and I started cooking a wider variety of foods and desserts. In about 2003, I took my mother’s file of hand written recipes and transcribed them into a digital database of recipes; you could say this was the start of my own recipe collection. In the years since, I have started creating my own recipes and my recipe collection has grown immensely.

My passion in the kitchen is definitely for desserts and sweet treats. I do however think it’s also important to eat a range of healthy foods as well. Just because something is healthy it doesn’t mean it needs to taste bland and be boring!

Food is a great tool for bringing together friends and family. I hope the recipe on this site inspires you to cook you will take them away and share with your friends and family just like I enjoy doing.

What you’ll find on Scissors, Paper, Bacon

With this website I aim to share with you some of the foods that I enjoy cooking. The recipes I share are designed to be cooked by anyone at home, using things you are likely to have already in the kitchen. Some of these recipes will be family recipes passed down through the years and other recipes are new ones I have developed on my own over the years and love to cook. I’m passionate about food and am always looking for inspiration for new ideas on different things to cook and I look forward to sharing my passion and love of food with you all.

As I have read through many food blogs over the years, the one thing that has always bothered me is the essay you have to read through before you get to the recipe you are wanting to cook. With Scissors, Paper, Bacon I aim to do things differently in that all of my recipes will be featured at the top of the page first, and then tales, anecdotes and comments about the recipe will follow afterwards.

Where to start

If you are looking for inspiration on what to cook, then the front page is probably a good place to start! I try to post recipes on at least a weekly basis and the front page will have my latest recipes, typically inspired by what’s currently in season.

You can also search through the recipe collection, browse the many different categories for inspiration on what to cook or use the search bar at the top of the page.

If you’re a bit indecisive on what to cook, why not try the ‘surprise me’ button, which will bring up a random recipe from the collection of posted recipes on this site.

Keep connected

You can follow me via Facebook or Instagram, or subscribe to my newsletter to stay in the loop with what is happening.

If you like one of my recipes and have a go at making it at home I would love to see what you make. Share with me using the hashtag #scissorspaperbacon and I will be glad to check it out.

I welcome comments and feedback on my recipes and would love to hear from you.

All recipes, photos and opinions posted on this site are my own, unless otherwise stated. While sometimes I may show sponsored content, I will never accept payment in exchange for a positive review on a product. When a post features a sponsored product it will clearly indicate that it is sponsored content.

The only thing I like better than talking about food is eating.

John Walters